Communications and Multimedia Content Code Revamp
What is the Content Forum?
The Communications and Multimedia Content Forum of Malaysia (Content Forum) is a self-regulatory organization and industry forum established to oversee and promote self-regulation of content over the electronic networked medium.
Members consists of key players of the content industry i.e., advertisers, broadcasters, content creators/distributors, audiotext hosting services providers, internet service providers and civic groups.
The Content Forum is registered under the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and designated by the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA’98).
What is the Content Code?
The Content Code is a key reference point for everyone involved in the content ecosystem – those who create it, spread it and consume it. This includes broadcasters, content creators, advertisers, social media influencers and consumers.
The main objective of the Content Code is to outline procedures of self-regulation that provides the platform for creativity, innovation and healthy growth of a fast-evolving industry.
What was the Public Consultation all about?
The Content Code is currently undergoing a revamp to adapt to all the societal and technological changes that have occurred in recent years. The Content Forum Revamp Draft is a result of consultation with Content Forum members as well as relevant key stakeholders.
Through this Public Consultation Exercise, everyone was given the opportunity to contribute to the new version of the Content Code, as it will continue to be a reference for the interpretation of offences under Section 211 and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.
Content Code Revamp 2021 Public Consultation Exercise
The Content Code Revamp 2021 Public Consultation exercise was aimed at gathering feedback from members of the public on proposed revisions to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Content Code (Content Code),
Public Consultation Paper: This a document which provides an overview of the proposed revisions to the Content Code.
Public Consultation Feedback: A survey document was created as a channel for the public to submit their views towards the proposed revisions.
Public Consultation Townhalls: Several townhalls were scheduled to provide a virtual avenue to discuss the proposed revisions.

The Content Code 2022 has been officially registered and is effective from 30 May 2022.
A copy of the Content Code 2022 can be downloaded HERE.
We thank you once again for your participation and contribution.
We hope you will continue to engage with the Content Forum and join us for future activities!